The Brooklyn Basketball Fitness Class for Adults

Brooklyn Basketball Fitness for Adults Starts with Swish House

3 reasons why basketball and authenticity are the optimal fitness plan

I. The definition of authenticity: The quality or condition of being authentic, trustworthy, or genuine; the quality of being real and true.

After 14 years of playing and coaching overseas, signing a free-agent deal for the Phoenix Suns, and starting a new Swish House location (a basketball fitness and training company) in Brooklyn, New York, I’ve been reminded to ask myself:

Why can’t fitness be fun and authentic?

I’ll give you two reasons why basketball can more fun than any other adult fitness workout ever can be!

II. Train and get fit at what you were curious about doing/playing as a kid.

Do you remember what it felt like to hit fadeaway shots in your driveway? Did you give up your dream of going to the NBA because you never grew over 5'5?

Why do we give up the things we love doing as we get older?

Do we really want to hit the elliptical to stay in shape or do we want to have fun running, jumping, and training like a hooper?

We stop the things we love because the world is a cruel place — it tells you if you can’t be the best at it, or get to the top 1%, you have to stop and focus on something else.

Well, not with Swish House Brooklyn Basketball Fitness Classes — we believe our authenticity to train and stay in shape for basketball without actually playing 5v5 is what makes us special!

If you are stuck searching for the optimal fitness training plan, recognize it begins with your curiosity and authenticity and finishes with consistency.

Being out of shape sucks (like honestly, I also love eating Oreos and cookie dough till my face is numb) but getting in shape doesn’t have to be a boring or sad experience. Adult fitness can be something you enjoy and inspire “the kid” inside you to begin showing up for class and create wellness momentum for yourself.

Brooklyn Basketball Fitness

Meet Lakin Roland, your former pro and D1 hooper. She’ll be one of your Swish House Brooklyn Basketball Fitness coaches!

III. The will to improve your fitness doesn’t have to start with endless suffering and self-hatred.

I see this a lot, in fact, sometimes I tend to drift towards suffering and self-hatred because I want to have that six-pack again.

But the truth is, basketball is fun. Swishing a shot in someone’s face is fun. Winning a game is fun. Training like a pro is fun.

“That is all I want in life: for this pain to seem purposeful.”― Elizabeth Wurtzel

Fitness can bring physical pain, and mental anguish, but if we connect to our “why,” then our purpose makes sense to us.

That is authenticity — when you can answer the question of why you do what you do.

If you can answer that question, you are onto something. Every authentic ounce of building a Brooklyn basketball fitness and training community, in helping players of every age and skill level improve their game, fitness, and connect to the game they love in ways they’ve never experienced lives in the essence of what our company aims to become.

Our Swish House culture is one that ultimately grows from reflecting on what and why getting in shape for life is important to us.

Good luck out there! If you are into the Brookly Basketball scene and want to try a new basketball fitness and training concept, come check us out!

Trevor Huffman — The Godfather of Swish House